Coding Standards- بخش سوم

  • یوسف مهرداد

The Tyranny of Tools

I have seen teams attempt to enforce a style through the use of tools. Some tools are benign and helpful. Many IDEs, for example, allow you to specify things like indent level, brace placement, etc. With a single keystroke you can ensure that a batch of code conforms to the team style. I use tools like this, an depend upon them. I make sure that all the team members set their IDEs to use the conventions.

Other tools can be more intrusive. Some tools can act like compilers, generating errors if the style is not adhered to. Such tools might be useful for an occasional scan of the code; but I think you have to be very careful if you put them into the normal build cycle.

Automatic enforcement is power; and power corrupts. We do not want a well-meaning bureaucrat deciding, one day, to enforce the style that every function argument must have a javadoc comment. This leads to comments of the form: //required comment.

This is not to say that tools like findbugs and checkstyle should be avoided. Indeed, I find them very useful. However, I think they should be run occasionally and manually, not as part of every build. The issues that these tools discover should be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

Many tools like this allow you to insert special meta-comments that override the warnings. If these tools are placed in the build process; then the code will become cluttered with these meta-comments.

I have a pathological distaste for meta-comments.


Coding style is a matter of team pride and team identity. Teams should be free to adopt their own styles, and to change those styles as the spirit moves them. Each member of the team should follow the team style, and work to ensure that the body of code is a consistent statement of that style. If this sounds too artsy-fartsy, keep in mind that pride of workmanship is a powerful motivator. We want teams to be proud of their creations.


Comments are free but facts are sacred. —Charles Prestwich Scott
یوسف مهرداد

یوسف مهرداد

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