The Limits of Software – Part IV – The Impact of Economics

  • یوسف مهرداد

Developing software costs money. Barry Boehm, in his classic work on software engineering economics, based upon 20 years of empirical evidence, concludes that the performance of a project can be predicted according to the following equation
Performance@ ComplexityProcess * Team * Tools
•PerformanceEffort or time
•ComplexityVolume of human-generated code
•ProcessMaturity of process and notation
•TeamSkill set, experience, and motivation
•ToolsSoftware process automation

From this equation, we can observe that the complexity of a system can either be amplified by a bad process or dampened by a good process and that the nature of a team and its tools are relatively equal contributors to the performance of a project.
Developing software costs money, and so for any sustainable business activity, any investment in software development must provide a good return on that investment. Thus, we might dream up suspicious uses of software that have no or marginal economic value (such as selling dog food over the Internet), but to do so will ultimately end in economic collapse. Alternatively, we might dream up meaningful uses of software, and to the degree we can develop that software efficiently and use that software as a strategic weapon in our business, and to do so will yield business success.

گزیده: (لغت نامه مهندسین در جلسات کارفرما)
– بقیه نتایج در گزارش بعدى ارائه مى شود… یعنى: بقیه نتایج را تا فشار نیاورید نخواهیم داد!
– بعلت اهمیت تئورى و عملى این موضوع… یعنى: به علت علاقه من به این موضوع!
– حالا ما آماده ایم صحبتهاى شما را بشنویم… یعنى: شما هر چه مى خواهید صحبت کنید که البته تاثیرى در کارى که ما انجام خواهیم داد ندارد!
یوسف مهرداد

یوسف مهرداد

کانال تلگرام

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