Top N Software Risks

  • یوسف مهرداد

A list of top N risks, especially during risk survey, is helpful in getting a
feel of the risk environment. Here are a few examples:
Brian A. Will’s List
۱. Creeping requirements
۲. Requirements or developer gold plating
۳. Low quality of released software
۴. Unachievable schedule
۵. Unstable tools causing schedule delay
۶. High turnover
۷. Friction between developers and customers
۸. Unproductive office space

Dr. Barry W. Boehm’s List
۱. Personnel shortfalls
۲. Unrealistic schedules and budgets
۳. Developing the wrong functions and properties
۴. Developing the wrong user interface
۵. Gold plating
۶. Continuing stream of requirements changes
۷. Shortfalls in externally furnished components
۸. Shortfalls in externally performed tasks
۹. Real-time performance shortfalls
۱۰. Straining computer science capabilities

Chester Simmons’s List
۱. Program risks
۲. Schedule risks
۳. Cost risks
۴. Technical risks
۵. Supportability
۶. Development risks
۷. Communications
۸. Engineering database
۹. Program plan
۱۰. Concurrent engineering trick

Reference: Applied Software Risk Management, Ravindranath Pandian, 2006


Modeling Principle:
Models are not right or wrong; they are more or less useful.
Martin Fowler, Analysis Pattern
یوسف مهرداد

یوسف مهرداد

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  • طاهري راد

    ۲۸ شهریور ۱۳۸۷ در ۰۰:۰۰


    استاد خسته نباشید، عبادات قبول باشد، انشاء الله

    بازم انگلیسی

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